Tech Tips - Password Guidelines

  • The following guidelines are offered to help provide better password security.

    1. Use complex passwords which:

    Complex passwords are more resistant to a dictionary attack, where an unauthorized user attempts to crack a password by sending a series of commonly used names and words.

    • do not contain all or any part of the user's account name
    • are more than 8 characters long
    • contain characters of at least THREE of these four categories:
      • English uppercase letters (A through Z)
      • English lowercase letters (a through z)
      • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
      • permitted punctuation such as ! $ # % @ ^ & * ( ) ? . ,

    2. Do not write down passwords in an unsecured location.

    3. Change your password periodically. (Every 30-60 days).

    Complex passwords can be easy to remember. Similar to some of the interesting license plates, easy examples are:

    2dAyI$thedaY .........(today is the day)
    Brn2RunFa$t ...........(born to run fast)
    XqqsME2! ..............(excuse me too !)
    H20uUP2? ...............(what are you up to?)
    L00ny2nzz! ..............( looney tunes)