• Wellness Resources Banner

    As we know, mental health is equally as important as physical health. Sometimes it can be difficult to find balance and care for ourselves during busy or stressful times. This is why it is important to have a well-stocked toolbox of resources ready to use whether you are looking to maintain balance through self-care, or are feeling overwhelmed and in need of support. Please visit the link below to see a wide variety of resources available to you in the community and online. 

    Within the link, you will find

    • Signs and symptoms of mental health challenges

    • Local mental health counselors

    • Mental health crisis support resources

    • Teen friendly apps for social and emotional health

    • Parent information related to: behavioral challenges, substance use, mentoring, and community support

    • Additional community resources related to: LGBTQ support, food pantries, and multilingual connection to resources and support

    Wellness and Support Resources